Well Done!

You did it! Week one down, just 3 more to go!

I just want to re-emphasize how important module 1 is for your future success.

Once you get your mind right, your words will line up and then increase will follow! 

Don’t get discouraged if changing the way you think and speak seems too difficult. It’s totally doable, I promise. Stay strong, that increase is coming!

Now, for Your Increase Challenge

  1. First, set a reminder in your phone. Have it pop up twice a day with this confession, “God I thank you for increase today, more and more is coming my way. I always have more than enough and I refuse to worry today about money because God is my source!”
  2. Print off your Increase Confession sheet and confess it at least once a day. Include specifics of what you are asking God for. (This one is a must!)
  3. Every time you spend money, lend money, or give money, I need you to say under your breath, “There is plenty more where that came from.”

Philippians 4:19 promises us that “… God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”

God is your Source, He is THE Supplier of all your needs. You confessing out loud “There is plenty more where that came from” proves you believe that God is your supplier and that He will continually supply you with whatever you need.

Take these three steps and make them part of your routine.

Success comes from successful habits. 

Great job! No let’s go on to the next set of lessons where we get into the money stuff. It’s gonna be good, I hope you’re ready for increase…


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