Hello fellow Increasers!

It’s time to dive into this week’s lessons, which is are about your Mindset and Mouthset. (Ya, I know it’s not a real word – but you get the meaning…)

Those are two great words, and in order to succeed, I mean truly succeed down here on earth, your mind has to be set and your mouth has to be set on the right things.

Thankfully God shows us what those things are in His Word.

Imagine this first week of lessons and strategies are the foundation of your house, if you get what we are going to teach you here, it will be like your built your home on the rock. Making your foundation strong and immovable so that no matter what hits your life, a financial setback, unexpected bad news, or maybe even a mistake is made, no matter, you have a firm foundation.

So please pay extra attention and be sure to DO what I teach you here. The level of your success depends on it!

You got this, I believe in ya, now let’s dive into today’s quick video lesson on CHOOSING to have an abundance mindset:

Be thinking on this today and be intentional to lean towards increase and abundance.

This may not be a natural thing for you to do. Perhaps you’re used to a life of lack and never having enough. This will take some training and some discipline but don’t give up, don’t give in, claim that life of abundance Jesus has made available to you! Keep practicing this, keep choosing increase.

Here’s your scripture confession for today

 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).  -John 10:10 AMP

That was Jesus talking by the way, so because He came to give us the abundant life, today we confess:

“Lord I thank You for today, thank You for giving me life, and life in abundance, a full, overflowing life! I choose to walk in and enjoy that life today. I recognize when satan is trying to steal, kill, or destroy something in my life and I shut him down now. He has no power now that Jesus has given me true life. Thank You Lord of abundance!”

Weekly Increase Challenge

This week, here’s what you’re going to do:

Every time you spend any money at all, if you spend a dollar, swipe your card, whatever it is,  under your breath you’re going to say , “There’s plenty more where that came from!”

You don’t have to say it loud, but make sure your own ears can hear you. This is very important. Confessing “There’s plenty more where that came from” will begin to build your faith.

Even if that doesn’t make sense to you now, remember you committed to these lessons.

Trust me here, this will change you.

-Stay tuned for your next Increase Lesson.

 Want MORE? This resource is a great addition to this lesson.

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